Monday, April 18, 2011

On Our Own "Little"Moments

So, I've been a bit behind lately on blogging (I knew that would happen). After having two On Our Own (OOO) events these past months, I've decided that I needed to share the happiness that it puts in my life. But first, a little of the things that might not be so enjoyable about running a non-profit....

Recently, I've had a lot of work to do for OOO. I'm working on the business plan as part of my graduate Capstone project at Christian Brothers. Although we've been in operation for 2 years now, I've never sat down and written a complete business plan. Let me tell ya, it's easy to want to give up once you realize all the hard work that is going to go into it. I've had several moments in the past months where I've just wanted to abandon the whole project (no worries OOO parents, I'm not, keep reading). Everything that goes into OOO's operation from marketing materials, to fundraising, to insurance costs can be a "bit" overwhelming to say the least. And anyone that knows me knows that I have problems relinquishing control just a little. I'm pretty sure my favorite quote when I was a little girl was "I'll do it myself" (Typical Jillian talk huh?). I found myself literally saying "Aghhhhhh" (real mature, I know) a few times when having to make OOO decisions. But... never fear... my OOO young adults are here!!!

Trey our Strike King!

So, with ALL the frustrations that I've gone through struggling with this business plan, the ONE thing that keeps me going are the "little" moments I spend with my OOO friends. They are truly amazing! Each event we have, I seem to have one moment or two moments where I say to myself "THIS is why I do this". From impromptu marriage proposals to strikes on a bowling game there always seems to be some "little thing" that happens to make me remember why OOO is such a success and why I love it so much!

One moment was on the way to an OOO event with my dear friend Chad. If you've never talked to me before an OOO event, you don't really know how stressed out and distracted I am before an event. I'm normally, trying to remember who all is attending, if I have enough mentors, do we have petty cash... and on and on... Well, usually I have the pleasure of Chad riding in the car with me to help relieve some of this stress. (He LOVES my singing, you can just ask him... hahaha, I laugh because this is definitely not a true statement)
On the way to karaoke we were driving and I was thinking about everything that needed to be done. All of a sudden, Chad said "HEY! Look, it's a double rainbow!” I looked and looked and couldn’t see it. Finally, after Chad insisting it was there, I looked harder and saw that there really was a double rainbow. I never would have noticed it if Chad hadn't seen it. My OOO young adults notice the "littlest" things and find happiness in these things where someone like myself would normally overlook them.

Maybe that is the secret to my OOO young adults' happiness??? There are a few moments when we have sad OOO young adults, but honestly I rarely see them sad or feeling sorry for themselves. They actively seek happiness and it doesn't matter where they find it. We should all go through our day looking for these "little" things that makes us happy! God puts these special people and special moments in my life for a reason, I make sure to cherish these moments any chance I get, so should you!